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Competitive advantage for the bank and for customers

With EKN's guarantees, the bank can do more for the customers. The need for capital adequacy decreases and credit limits increase.

There are several guarantees that insure the bank's risk on the exporting company. Our most widely used guarantees insure payment in export credits from supplier or bank, but we also offer solutions for contract guarantees, discounted bills of exchange and confirmed letters of credit.

Discover the benefits of EKN's export credit guarantees

Counter guarantee

Banks and other issuers of contract guarantees can share the risk with EKN with a counter guarantee. EKN’s counter guarantee covers the issuer’s recourse risk on the seller if the beneficiary, normally the buyer, requests payment.

Counter guarantee

Working capital credit guarantee

With a working capital credit guarantee, a bank shares the risk with EKN when providing working capital credit guarantees in the form of loans, invoice financing or overdraft facilities.

Working capital credit guarantee

Green credit guarantee

With the green credit guarantee, EKN shares the bank’s risk when issuing a loan, overdraft or revolving credit facility for green investments or green operations in Sweden.

Green credit guarantee

Letter of cre­dit gua­ran­tee

With a letter of credit guarantee, the bank shares its risk in confirmed letters of credit with EKN. 50 per cent of the total confirmed amount can be guaranteed by EKN. The length of validity and credit period that can be accepted depends on EKN’s risk assessment.

Letter of cre­dit gua­ran­tee

Buyer Credit Guarantee

The Buyer Credit Guarantee in favour of banks covers non-payment by the borrower under the Credit Agreement.

Buyer Credit Guarantee

Guarantee for in­vest­ment credits

With a guarantee for investment credits, a bank or Almi shares the risk with EKN when the bank provides investment credits. EKN reimburses for any loss with 50 per cent of the credit outstanding.

Guarantee for in­vest­ment credits

Investment guarantee

The investment guarantee covers the risk of loss due to political events associated with investment or investment loans abroad.

Investment guarantee

Do you want to learn more?

If your customer has a turnover of more than SEK 5 billion, contact Kjell Forsberg. If the customer has a turnover of less than SEK 5 billion, contact Håkan Bäckström.

EKN for large cor­po­rates

More and bigger export transactions for companies with an annual turnover of more than SEK five billion.

EKN for large cor­po­rates

EKN for SME & mid­corp bu­siness­es

EKN's guarantees open doors to new markets for companies with a turnover of less than five billion SEK.

EKN for SME & mid­corp bu­siness­es

Guarantee guide

With the help of the guarantee guide, you will find the right guarantee, regardless of whether you are an exporter, subcontractor or bank.

Guarantee guide


Read more about the Swedish export credit system.


The Swedish export credit system


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The Swedish export credit system


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The Swedish export credit system


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The Swedish export credit system


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The Swedish export credit system


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