EKN eID is a personal e-identification allowing individuals to represent a company in EKN Online. Using an EKN eID, you can login to EKN Online as well as approve and digitally sign guarantee agreements.
Who can use an EKN eID?
EKN eID is primarily for those who wish to use EKN Online but lack a Swedish personal identity number. EKN eID is comparable to a Mobile BankID.
What is required to use an EKN eID?
The company needs to apply to EKN for an EKN eID for a user.
The user needs to download the Nexus Personal Mobile security app on a mobile device using Android or iOS.
Does EKN eID cost anything?
No. EKN eID and Nexus Personal Mobile are free of charge. However, the user needs to have the required technical equipment to use EKN eID – a mobile phone or tablet with the Android or iOS operating system.
Is EKN eID secure?
EKN eID is a two-factor security solution provided by The Swedish Export Credit Agency (EKN) supported by Nexus Personal Mobile for identification and signatures in EKN’s internet based electronic system for applications and handling the guarantees available online (EKN Online). Nexus personal Mobile is a well-established and secure solution provided by EKN’s partner the Nexus Group.
How long is an EKN eID valid?
The validity period is two years from the date of EKN’s approval of the application.
How do I apply for an EKN eID?
A step-by-step application process is provided in the image below. You can download the application form, general terms and conditions, and draft checklist for legal opinion below.

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