Processing of personal data
Below you can read about how EKN processes the personal data we collect via our website ekn.se and that we otherwise manage as part of our operations.
What is personal data?
Personal data is any information that can be directly or indirectly linked to a living natural person. The General Data Protection Regulation sets out rules on how personal data may be processed.
Find out more about the General Data Protection Regulation on the website of the Data Protection Authority.
Legal basis
The GDPR states that all personal data must be processed in accordance with the law. The legal basis varies depending on the purpose for the processing of personal data.
Public task
The legal basis for the processing of personal data by EKN is that EKN is performing a task in the public interest; to promote Swedish exports and imports by, as a government agency, insuring exporting and importing companies and banks in export transactions. EKN's assignment from the government is regulated by applicable law, EKN's instructions and EKN's appropriation directions.
EKN's assignment from the government is to promote Swedish exports and imports and the internationalisation of Swedish companies by issuing guarantees. The agency is to co-operate with other Swedish export promotion agencies and to, in particular, focus on raising the awareness of EKN among small and medium-sized enterprises.
As an example, below is an extract from Section 2 of the Ordinance (2007:1217) with instructions for the Swedish Export Credit Agency (Sw. förordning (2007:1217)) med instruktion för Exportkreditnämnden), which illustrates when EKN performs tasks of general interest:
The Authority shall in particular:
1. examine the conditions for granting a guarantee
7. provide information on the various guarantees offered by the Authority and on the general conditions and requirements for obtaining a guarantee,
8. follow international development in the Agency's area of responsibility.
Legal obligation
In some cases, EKN processes personal data on the basis of a legal obligation. Such processing requires that the legal obligation invoked is defined in law or other statute and that the processing is necessary to fulfil the obligation.
In some cases, EKN needs to process your personal data in order to fulfil a contract between you and EKN.
In some cases, personal data is processed by EKN on the basis of consent. Consent is given voluntarily and can be withdrawn at any time. Consent can be given either in writing or verbally.
Purposes of processing and legal basis
EKN processes personal data for several different purposes and in several different parts of its operations in order for EKN to fulfil its statutory duties. EKN also needs to process personal data in its administrative activities, including in its role as an employer.
When contacting EKN
EKN processes data in order to communicate with those who contact EKN by telephone, regular mail, e-mail, social media or personal contact. The legal basis for the processing is a task of public interest.
When applying for a job
EKN processes data when an application for employment is submitted to EKN. The personal data is processed in order for EKN to administer the application and fill an advertised position. The processing for the appointment of the position takes place as part of EKN's exercise of official authority and other processing takes place on the basis of public interest.
For complaints and enquiries
EKN processes data in order to communicate with the person submitting a complaint or enquiry and, where appropriate, with a contact person for the person to whom the complaint or the enquiry relates, and to process the case. The legal basis for the processing is a task of public interest.
When notifying a personal data breach
EKN processes data on the contact person/data protection officer of a controller who has reported a personal data breach. The legal basis for the processing is a task in the public interest and a legal obligation.
When applying for guarantees (including verification of relevant parties)
EKN processes data on the employee or consultant of the guarantee applicant and personal data on individuals in connection with the assessment to be made by the relevant parties in guarantee cases. The legal basis for the processing is a task of public interest.
In the event of a claim
EKN processes data about employees or consultants involved in claims cases, as well as personal data about individuals in connection with the assessment to be made by the relevant parties in the case. The legal basis for the processing is a task of public interest.
In case of contract with supplier
EKN processes data about a supplier's employee or consultant when concluding a contract or when contacting the supplier. The legal basis for the processing is a task of public interest.
When communicating EKN's services and inviting to events
EKN processes data on contact persons at companies that have signalled an interest in EKN's services. The legal basis for the processing is a task of public interest.
Subscription to press releases and newsletters
EKN processes personal data in connection with subscriptions to EKN's press releases and newsletters. The processing is carried out so that EKN can administer the subscription and send out information. The legal basis is the fulfilment of the agreement entered into in connection with registration as a subscriber.
Access to documents, record keeping and archiving
EKN does not store personal data for longer than necessary. EKN is a public authority and is therefore subject to the provisions on access to documents, record-keeping and archiving in the Freedom of the Press Act (1949:105) (Sw. Tryckfrihetsförordningen), the Freedom of Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400) (Sw. offentlighet- och sekretesslagen) and the Archives Act (1990:782) (Sw. arkivlagen).
In general, information in public documents that have been received or created and are held by EKN must be preserved. According to section 3 of the Archives Act, the authorities' archives must be preserved, kept organised and cared for in such a way that they satisfy:
- the right of access to public documents,
- the need for information for justice and administration; and
- the needs of research.
Public documents may be thinned out in certain cases under Section 10 of the Archives Act. When thinning, however, it must always be taken into account that the archives are part of the cultural heritage and that the remaining archive material must be able to fulfil the purposes stated above.
Article 5(b) of the GDPR states that principles for the conservation of personal data for archiving purposes in the public interest are not considered incompatible with the original purposes of the processing.
EKN's market communication work
EKN is tasked by the government with increasing awareness of EKN's services. In this endeavour, EKN is primarily targeting people who, in their professional role, may have an interest in EKN's activities. EKN therefore assumes that those who read EKN's articles, guides and template documents, or who otherwise visit the website for special communication, have a continuing interest in being in contact with EKN and are therefore given the opportunity to provide their contact details where appropriate. You can withdraw your consent at any time and unsubscribe from e-mails from EKN. EKN uses third-party tools for web statistics in its marketing communication work.
Recipients of personal data
EKN staff who need to access personal data to perform their work will access the data to the extent necessary. In addition, authorised personnel at partners and suppliers may have access to personal data. Suppliers who are data processors may only process personal data in accordance with the purposes and instructions for processing provided by EKN. This is to ensure that personal data is processed in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. According to the principle of public access to official documents, public documents that may contain personal data may need to be disclosed to journalists and individuals who so request.
EKN's website uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer and contains information. Cookies are used to optimise the website and improve the user experience for you as a visitor. There are two types of cookies:
One type, known as a permanent cookie, saves a file that remains on the visitor's computer. This file is used, for example, to make it easier for you to use the website according to your preferences and interests.
The second type is called a session cookie. While a visitor is on a website, it is temporarily stored in the visitor's computer memory. Session cookies disappear when you close your browser. No personal information is stored about you.
EKN's website uses both types of cookies. When you visit EKN's website, a session cookie is sent between your computer and EKN's web server to facilitate navigation, among other things. The cookie disappears when you close your browser.
For general information on cookies and the Electronic Communications Act (Sw. lagen (2022:482) om elektronisk kommunikation), see the website of the National Post and Telecom Agency.
Handling of cookies
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Your rights
Right of access, extraction of records and data portability
You have the right to request, free of charge, information or a register extract of the personal data processed about you by EKN. If the request is sent in electronic format, EKN will provide the register extract in the corresponding format.
Right to object, rectify, supplement, delete or restrict
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time. You also have the right, in certain cases, to have inaccurate personal data rectified and to have incomplete personal data completed. You also have the right, in certain cases, to have personal data concerning you erased or to have its processing restricted. Your rights may be affected by the rules on access to documents and archiving that EKN must follow as a government agency.
If you wish to request an extract from the register, exercise other statutory rights or consider that EKN's processing does not comply with data protection legislation, please contact EKN's Data Protection Officer, Eva Kullberg Tideman.

If, in your view, EKN's processing of your personal data is in breach of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to complain to the Swedish Data Protection Authority.
Contact details to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection:
Telephone number: +46 8 657 61 00
E-mail: imy@imy.se
Web page last updated