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Here you can get support when exporting

Svensk Exportkredit, SEK

Svensk Exportkredit is an impartial and independent player whose activities include the provision of export credits, lending, structured finance, project finance, leasing facilities, capital market products and financial advisory services. Svensk Exportkredit is owned by the Swedish state.


ALMI Företagspartner has offices in each county, from which it offers financing and business development services for inventors, new enterprises and established companies wishing to expand. ALMI can support companies from their seed phase or original idea until they have become profitable enterprises. ALMI’s goal is to foster the growth and modernisation of Swedish business.

ALMI is a group of 21 regional subsidiaries of which ALMI Företagspartner is the parent company. The state is sole owner of the parent company, which in its turn has a majority holding in each of the subsidiaries, with the remaining share capital being owned by the relevant county council or the equivalent.

Business Sweden

Business Sweden was founded on January 1, 2013, by a merger of the Swedish Trade Council with Invest Sweden. Its aim is to support Swedish companies in reaching export markets with their products, services and ideas and to create business opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises to grow internationally. The support consists of advisory services, skills development for companies, events, and targeted campaigns.

Business Sweden is jointly owned by the Swedish government and the private business. They have offices in 57 countries and in every Swedish region.


Swedfund is the Development Finance Institution of the Swedish state. The mission is to combat poverty by investing in and develop sustainable business in the world’s most challenging markets.

Chambers of Commerce

There are twelve chambers of commerce in Sweden, which cover the country. Each chamber is a regional body and the individual businessperson would normally contact his/her local chamber.

The main role of the chambers of commerce is to foster a pro-business environment in its own region and promote cross-border trade. The chambers also offer companies an extensive range of services, courses, and advisory facilities. Most countries have chambers of commerce, and their members can draw on this network for developing their international business activities. Chambers of Commerce are membership-based organisations acting in the interests of the business community.

Swedish & in­ter­na­tio­nal or­ga­ni­sa­tions

Do you want to know more about Swedish and international organizations and export credit institutions in other countries? Here you will find links to a selection.

Swedish & in­ter­na­tio­nal or­ga­ni­sa­tions



The Swedish export credit system


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