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The panel during the NZECA event during COP28

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  • Trade

Trade takes centre stage at COP28

To deliver more sustainable global trade, eight leading ECAs unveiled a new net-zero alliance in Dubai. “Public finance has been the missing piece in the net-zero financial landscape,” commented a UN source.

Trade takes centre stage at COP28

  • Sustainability
  • Trends

Metals demand seen rising by 500%

A successful net-zero transition relies heavily on strategic metals and minerals. How can export finance help boost supply and ensure sustainable mining practices?

Metals demand seen rising by 500%
Woman and man talking in an office.

  • Financing
  • Trade

OECD updates coun­try risk as­sess­ment model

The OECD Country Risk Assessment Methodology ultimately determines the minimum premium rate that state-backed export credit insurers can charge. Now, it has been revised to reflect a stronger focus on governance and institutional factors, and the consequences of climate change.

OECD updates coun­try risk as­sess­ment model
Carl Mellande, portrait

  • Financing
  • Guarantees

The se­crets be­hind 5G lea­der­ship

Carl Mellander, CFO at the world’s biggest 5G technology provider Ericsson says export financing is a crucial counter-cyclical tool.

The se­crets be­hind 5G lea­der­ship
Man in India with hos mobile phone

  • Financing
  • Trends
  • Trade

Record deal be­hind record-time 5G roll­out in India

In the largest private deal ever supported by EKN, Ericsson delivers equipment worth over USD 2 billion for the rollout of 5G technology across India.

Record deal be­hind record-time 5G roll­out in India
Cables and a vessel

  • Sustainability
  • Guarantees

Swedish cables connect a greener future

The energy transition has triggered a boom in demand for power cables that can transport the green energy harvested by solar and wind farms over long distances. The drive to renew and connect national grids further fuel demand at cable maker NKT, with major export production in Sweden and guarantees from EKN.

Swedish cables connect a greener future
Mountains covered with solar panels

  • Financing
  • Trade

OECD launches “landmark mo­der­ni­sa­tion” of ex­port cre­dits

Hailed as a “complete game changer for the export finance sector”, the OECD reform of the Arrangement on officially supported export credits improves flexibility, particularly in the financing of climate-related projects.

OECD launches “landmark mo­der­ni­sa­tion” of ex­port cre­dits
the Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, Johan Forssell visiting ADB.

  • Sustainability
  • Financing

Regional de­ve­lop­ment banks cru­cial in fund­ing cli­mate action

The battle against climate change is won or lost in Asia and the Pacific. New and innovative blended financing schemes involving multiple institutions and greentech from leading suppliers hold the key.

Regional de­ve­lop­ment banks cru­cial in fund­ing cli­mate action
Håkan Jyde

  • Financing
  • Markets

Keeping Ukraine on the move

Despite its sites being attacked by Russian forces, truck maker Scania decided to remain present in Ukraine. “Logistics is crucial to a country at war,” says Håkan Jyde, Managing Director Scania Ukraine.

Keeping Ukraine on the move
Woman presenting in front of an audience

  • Sustainability
  • Guarantees

New gua­ran­tees to boost green len­ding

To stimulate green investments at home and abroad, EKN and Riksgälden offer new and attractive guarantees with higher risk cover, while SEK offers financing and funding.

New gua­ran­tees to boost green len­ding
Wind mills on mountains

  • Sustainability
  • Guarantees

Up to 100% risk cover with new green guarantee

The new Green Export Credit Guarantee from EKN offers up to 100 percent risk cover for exports to projects that comply with the EU taxonomy.

Up to 100% risk cover with new green guarantee
Fighterplane in the air

  • Financing
  • Guarantees
  • Trends

In defence of defence

The war in Ukraine has triggered a reassessment of defence spending in financial and political circles. How can export finance contribute?

In defence of defence