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City in nightlights and fog

  • Economics
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All eyes on African debt

Some countries in Sub-Saharan Africa may face debt restructuring as public finances suffer from a stronger dollar and higher import bills. EKN monitors the development closely and foresees a heightened interest in securing risk cover on private risk in an uncertain environment.

All eyes on African debt
Wind mills at sea

  • Sustainability
  • Trends
  • Tech

Nordic clean-tech takes on the world with export finance

“Navigating turbulent times for Nordic trade” was the motto at GTR Nordics 2022, where a record number of visitors learned about the relevance of Nordic clean-tech in building a climate-resilient future.

Nordic clean-tech takes on the world with export finance
A stage at COP27

  • Sustainability
  • Financing

COP27: “Funding and skills gaps need closing”

Participants from across the world arrived at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheik to agree on measures to halt the escalating climate change. Delegates from EKN worked hard to raise awareness of the role of export financing in funding the transition.

COP27: “Funding and skills gaps need closing”

  • Financing
  • Guarantees
  • Risk

Sweden secures supply of strategic raw materials

A new guarantee from EKN secures the supply of strategic raw materials to Swedish importers by covering the risk of new investments for raw material producers and their creditors.

Sweden secures supply of strategic raw materials
African woman holding her hands under tap with running water

  • Sustainability

Drinking water for 3 million people

Almost 1,200 rural villages and towns in Côte d’Ivoire will have access to drinking water through a new EKN-supported project that promises a “massive impact” on local communities and women in particular.

Drinking water for 3 million people