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Green gold under the midnight sun
Northern Sweden’s green energy surplus attracts industries in green value chains, with EKN’s green guarantees enhancing deals.
Green gold under the midnight sunWelcome to EKN Magazine. We provide inspiration and offer tips for companies and banks that work with exports or have just begun that journey out in the world.
Northern Sweden’s green energy surplus attracts industries in green value chains, with EKN’s green guarantees enhancing deals.
Green gold under the midnight sun
A telecom deal aims to bring digital connectivity to remote Africa as part of the EU’s Global Gateway initiative.
Flagship project strengthens digital inclusion in Africa
Swedish greentech suppliers and EKN may help fund and realise one of the world’s most ambitious energy transition programmes.
Türkiye goes green in record time
Are the expanded financing opportunities permitted by the updated OECD Arrangement living up to high expectations? It may take time, experts say.
Learning to love longer tenors
Despite its sites being attacked by Russian forces, truck maker Scania decided to remain present in Ukraine. “Logistics is crucial to a country at war,” says Håkan Jyde, Managing Director Scania Ukraine.
Keeping Ukraine on the move
Some countries in Sub-Saharan Africa may face debt restructuring as public finances suffer from a stronger dollar and higher import bills. EKN monitors the development closely and foresees a heightened interest in securing risk cover on private risk in an uncertain environment.
All eyes on African debt
EKN joins the world’s largest sailing ship to showcase Swedish exports, offering partners and exporters meeting venues from Europe to Asia.
Tailwind for Swedish exports
Local manufacturing and attractive dealership financing from EKN have stimulated growth in China for Volvo Construction Equipment. “The ability to offer credit is important in building a brand.”
Massive infrastructure investments
As the countries of East and Southeast Asia are successful in reducing the spread of Covid-19, Swedish exports bounce back, notes EKN Chief Analyst Stefan Karlsson in a fresh report.
Swedish exports to East Asia set to recover
The Covid-19 crisis has placed Swedish medtech company Getinge in an unusual spot. While demand for its life-sustaining ventilators have increased at a record pace, the global production chains are stalling. Here’s how Getinge managed to step up its global production, secure increased financing – and reopen a shutdown plant in Malaysia.
In the eye of the storm
The MENA region accounts for a diminishing share of the world’s oil production, while the overall importance of oil is reduced in the wake of an increase in the production of renewable energy. The consequences to the countries of the MENA region will be felt throughout the world, according to Victor Carstenius, analyst at EKN.
Energy transformation affects the MENA region
Efficient public transport is instrumental to sustainable urbanization. The concept of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has been particularly successful in Latin America, where Volvo has been contracted to deliver 700 purpose-built buses to Colombia’s capital Bogotá in one of the largest-ever bus deals in Latin America. Local-currency financing backed by EKN made it possible.
EKN backs financing of Bus Rapid Transit system in Bogota
EKN and Volvo are working together to help a Volvo distributor in Africa finance its customers’ purchases.
Into Africa with Volvo vehicles