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Risk type Short Long

The icons indicate EKN's risk assessment.

A lower country risk category means a lower country risk. The icons mark EKN's ability to cover risks to different buyers in the country.
No policy established

No policy established

Normal risk assessment

Normal risk assessment

Restrictive risk assessment

Restrictive risk assessment

Normally off cover

Normally off cover

OECD or EU countries

OECD or EU countries

EKN placerar Hong Kong i en gynnsammare landriskklass än OECD. EKN är dock bunden av en överenskommelse om lägsta premienivå. Lägsta tillåtna premie för Hong Kong är den som indikeras för landriskklass 3 riskklass A. För ytterligare information, var vänlig kontakta EKN.

EKN produce country risk analyses for the around 25 countries across the world that have the greatest exposure to EKN guarantees. In addition, we publish analyses for other countries depending on the risk development and transaction flow.

There is currently no country risk analysis for Hong Kong.

More for companies that want to export to Hong Kong

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EKN's guarantees

EKN's guarantees reduce the risk of payment defaults and help banks support businesses. Which guarantee suits your needs?

EKN's guarantees

Guarantee guide

Are you unsure which guarantee is the best fit for your specific transaction? Try our guarantee guide.

Guarantee guide