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Risk type | Short | Long |
Sovereign | ||
Public | ||
Bank | ||
Corporate |
The icons indicate EKN's risk assessment.
No policy established
Normal risk assessment
Restrictive risk assessment
Normally off cover
OECD or EU countries
EKN produce country risk analyses for the around 25 countries across the world that have the greatest exposure to EKN guarantees. In addition, we publish analyses for other countries depending on the risk development and transaction flow.
There is currently no country risk analysis for Botswana.
More for companies that want to export to Botswana
EKN's guarantees
Our guarantees offer numerous benefits, covering companies against non-payment risks and banks against operational and investment risks. Which guarantee suits you?
EKN's guaranteesGuarantee guide
With the help of the guarantee guide, you will find the right guarantee, regardless of whether you are an exporter, subcontractor or bank.
Guarantee guide