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As part of an independent audit (Environ, 2013) no non-compliance issues or issues of high significance were identified with the project. The project may have to adjust the discharge volumes in the winter in order to comply with a permit requirement regarding soluble lead concentration outside of mixing zones; this issue was identified as being of medium significance. There is no physical displacement associated with the project.

In accordance with the OECD Recommendation on Common Approaches for ECAs, projects may be benchmarked against European Union standards. Based on a previous mining plan with a lower extraction rate than currently planned after third production year, the Finnish authorities decided in 2011 that no EIA process was deemed necessary for the project and an Environment Permit was issued in 2013 and is still valid.

However, the rate of mining currently planned from Year 3 of the project will require an EIA as part of the updated environmental permit application; this process is currently being initiated. The current Environment Permit is still valid after Year 3 if the rate of mining will not be increased.

The Taivaljärvi Silver Mine Project is likely to be classified as a category A-project. Additional information on the environmental impacts are available in the following web links:

The information was published on EKN's website on December 14th, 2016. Comments on the project can be made within at least 30 days. This procedure is in accordance with the OECD Recommendation on Common Approaches for Export Credit Agencies (ECAs).

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