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A ship with containers at sea.

EKN for large cor­po­rates

More and bigger export transactions for companies with an annual turnover of more than SEK five billion.

EKN for large cor­po­rates
Detail from a city, buildings where the one in the foreground has the word "Bank" on its façade.

EKN for banks

Collaborate with EKN and offer your customers better terms.

EKN for banks
Northern lights in a winter landscape.

EKN for buy­ers in Swe­dish ex­port tran­sac­tions

Buy from Sweden and benefit from attractive financing.

EKN for buy­ers in Swe­dish ex­port tran­sac­tions


A Scania truck on a road surrounded by trees.

  • Sustainability
  • Trends

Scania drives the tran­sition toge­ther with EKN

Scania drives the green transition by developing innovative, sustainable transport solutions that pave the way for a cleaner future.

Scania drives the tran­sition toge­ther with EKN

KIAD - Electri­fied rail­way, Türkiye

Current Category A project for decision.

KIAD - Electri­fied rail­way, Türkiye

Highway and rail­way tunnel, Türkiye

Current Category A project for decision.

Highway and rail­way tunnel, Türkiye
A woman standing in front of an installation that says #COP29. On the wall, behind the installation, it's written: "In solidarity for a Green World.".

  • Sustainability
  • Trends

EKN demystifies export credits at COP29

EKN clarifies the role of export credits in driving sustainable growth and climate action at COP29.

EKN demystifies export credits at COP29
Smiling female construction worker wearing a hard hat

  • Sustainability
  • Risk

Lower risk – better business

EKN helps Volvo Construction Equipment mitigate risk across the entire value chain. “Responsible sales are good for business.”

Lower risk – better business
World map built up by pixels.

Countries & country risk ana­lys­es

EKN conducts country risk analyzes for several of the world's countries. Here you will find the latest analyses.

Countries & country risk ana­lys­es
Binders with the text "Import" and "Export" on a desk. Next to the binders are a stamp and a mug.

Environmental and hu­man rights classi­fi­cation of tran­sac­tions

Current Category A projects for decision, either in or near sensitive areas or where the value exceeds SEK 100 million.

Environmental and hu­man rights classi­fi­cation of tran­sac­tions
Close-up of wheat from a field in Ukraine

Fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about the Ukrai­ne Fa­ci­li­ty

Here we collect the most frequently asked questions about our guarantee regulation on export credit guarantees to Ukraine.

Fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about the Ukrai­ne Fa­ci­li­ty

Calculate your premium

The Swedish Export Credit System

The Swedish export credit system consists of SEK’s financing and EKN's guarantees. Together, we strengthen the competitiveness of the Swedish export industry globally. Watch the film and learn how you can get access to attractive financing.

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Man thinking about something

EKN's guarantees

Our guarantees offer numerous benefits, covering companies against non-payment risks and banks against operational and investment risks. Which guarantee suits you?

EKN's guarantees
Map painted on hands

EKN’s su­stai­na­bi­li­ty agen­da

EKN promotes sustainability by addressing climate-related risks and opportunities in its guarantees, driving the transition to a greener future.

EKN’s su­stai­na­bi­li­ty agen­da